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  • Faith Does Not Sink

    They both messed up so horribly and turned their back on Jesus… yet one let his shame destroy him, and the other was led back to God through repentance. I am speaking of Peter and Judas... and I can't help but wonder why?  

    In our “cancel culture” society, it is somewhat easier to understand Judas.  In his mind, he was unredeemable, worthless…cancelled.  The truth is – our world has a backward warped view of sin. Despite what our Twitter feed tells us, repentance is not about feeling bad forever or a condition to somewhat “earn” forgiveness.

    The word “shame” can mean so many things – guilt; insecurity; condemned; exposed.  The truth is, God has no use for this word in any of its meanings.  

    We are valued and loved by our Lord.  Our repentance is not to earn His forgiveness – it is for us.  Repentance is a process – it is about spiritual longevity… and that is what we see in the life of St. Peter.

    Peter, a rock of faith, walked on water – but he also doubted… he sank in that water, and he denied ever knowing Christ (three times!). Even so, he showed courage in doing what Judas could not – he repented.  And because he did, Peter became all the stronger for it – he would go on to preach to the masses, baptize Jews and Gentiles, be imprisoned/tortured/martyred in the name of Jesus.  St. Peter lived his life truly walking on water knowing that faith does not sink.